Two paper maker's slide rules, patented by William Stanhope Buchanan in 1918: an initial rough model and a finished example made by C.T. Cooper and Sons for Becker and Co. Two paper maker's slide rules 1918-1925
Balance to carry 1000 grammes and to turn with 20 milligrammes 6 inch pans Analytical balance circa 1886
Crookes vacuum tube, contains fluorspa, by F. E. Becker and Co., 34 Maiden Lane, London, WC, England. Crookes vacuum tube
Lead retort for distillation of hydrogen fluoride, by F.E. Becker & Co. London 1915 Lead retort for distillation of hydrogen fluoride 1915
The Ho model eye demonstrating basic principles of vision. With a brass base and pillar supporting tube fitted with the iris diaphragm. There is a provision for inserting glass lenses, ground on rear surface, and different curvatures on front face. The lenses are marked I, II, III, and IIII. F.E. Becker and Co. c.1913 The 'Ho Model' eye 1909-1919